Morayo + Jide

I remember it like it was yesterday. My cousin/brother Jide called me up sometime two years ago and informed me that I was to be his Groomsman, alongside our mutual friend Bayo Omoboriowo. Of course because I’ve known him basically all my life, there was no question as to whether I was up for it and as the Chief Advocate for unconventional grooms and pushing the envelope, when my cousin asked me to lend a hand as regards the outfits of the Groomsmen, I was more than willing.

As a top notch wedding photographer, Jide knew that he definitely didn’t want his wedding photos the same as everyone else’s and so I thought, what better way to stand out than Mustard and Burgundy? I came up with a look in line with the Vintage theme that was both original and clean and would more importantly, show Nigerian men that they can indeed wear colour.

Needless to say, the wedding photos turned out fire and for the first time in a long time, Nigerian heads turned at the posts on social media! Not many people had ever seen a vintage groom quite like this.Today, I celebrate the original Vintage groom, my brother and my dear friend Jide...and his beautiful wife on their 2nd year Anniversary.

I love you both and may your home continue to be as bright and colourful as your fire wedding photos! Now let’s throw back to this day, 2 years ago!

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